Our values.
Choose human.
Our healing is an inherent part of our humanity, and because of this our healing occurs in community. It is no accident that Jubilee Healing Farm’s work is group-based and land based. When we choose human we are choosing to care for one another and care for the Earth, upon which we all depend.
Begin again.
In the words of Ovid, “Everything changes, nothing is lost.” We cherish the truth that our life is populated with opportunities to begin again. We see each day as a new beginning, ours to live in accordance with our values and goals. We nourish ourselves anew each day.
Be here now.
This moment is always our greatest opportunity. In this moment we can choose a kind word or a harsh one. We can choose self-care or self-harm. We can deepen into the wisdom of our bodies or zone out and create distance. Being present over and over again, one moment after another, is key to our healing.
Love the land.
Our farm lies on land taken without permission from Sissipihaw, Sakori, Eno, and Cheraw people. The land was farmed in the past by captive forced laborers from Africa, brutalized beyond words. Our deepest duty is to love this land and to do no harm to it. We approach to land humbly as learners and children seeking wisdom and offering love.
Honor the inhale.
In a culture that overvalues productivity and speed, we honor the deep breath that makes it all possible. Honoring the inhale means seeing that no big project or revelation is possible without the quiet work of self-knowledge, the replenishment of sleep, the moment to gather our thoughts. We honor the quiet and hold space for it in our lives.
Let the truth be good enough.
The commitment to learning the truth of ourselves and our circumstances is foundational to the work of deep healing. There is no truth that is too profound or difficult for us to hear and understand. Our healing work is to integrate the truth of our own lives and our impact on others into our understanding of our purpose. We are truth tellers.